Must be a Ratings Sweep on Hamas TV

Readers of this site know we tend to be leery about interfaith dialogue as a way of diffusing radical ideology. It's like a dinner party with the boss. Everyone behvaves their best and obsequiousness fills the void of true debate. Not much else gets accomplished.

So you've got to love Ziad Abu Alhaj, a Hamas cleric and past participant at an international gathering of "Imams and Rabbis for Peace." Palestine Media Watch notes that the imams and rabbis pledged at their last gathering to condemn any religious misrepresentations. Then PMW shows Alhaj giving a sermon on Hamas television in which he said Jews "are naturally disposed to" hate the Prophet Muhammad, invokes the anti-Semitic fraud known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and looks forward to the day "no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth."

This comes on the heels of report by Israel's Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, showing that a Hamas-sponsored play which was broadcast on Al Aqsa television which portrayed Jews as blood drinkers.

It puts the fascination with reality television in a new light, doesn't it? Now how about some of Alhaj's fellow conference attendees standing up, loudly and clearly, to denounce his hatred.

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