Troubling Report in Germany

Radical Islamists and neo-Nazis pose an increasing threat to Germany, a new German government report finds.

A growing number of Muslims favor bringing Islamic law, or Sharia, to Germany. In addition, the country appears to be a top target for terrorist groups.

"Islamist terrorism continues to be a real threat to Germans," a United Press International report quotes Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble saying Tuesday.

The findings come in a 303-page annual report, which claimed that radical Islamists are seeking training in Al Qaeda run camps in Pakistan. Germans increasingly are the targeted audience in sophisticated Internet recruitment videos.

"We are seeing more video threats that are addressing Germany and its military engagement in Afghanistan directly, and they are increasingly in German," said Heinz Fromm, head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

To make things worse, the report finds a spike in radical right wing extremism, including the spread if racial hatred and neo-Nazi propaganda material.

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