Somali Imam's Radical Statements Draw Media Attention

Federal agents in Minneapolis are investigating the disappearance of 20 or more Somali men who may have returned to Africa to wage jihad. Now an imam who runs a mosque and youth center there is drawing media attention for some radical statements.

Hassan Mohamud's work serves the Somali community in the Twin Cities. Mohamud was shown on a video – since removed from YouTube – soliciting donations to his programs that "can save you from the hell of living in America."

See a local Fox affiliate's report with the video here.

Over at Pajamas Media, Patrick Poole notes that Mohamud has developed a reputation for radical statements, including a past article that said Palestinian suicide bombers were justified:

"When asked if he believed that suicide bombings were wrong under any condition, he had to stop the interview three separate times and consult his attorney before responding. That prompted [reporter Tom] Lyden to comment, 'It may be complicated, but if it's difficult for the imam some may wonder how clear it is for the young people he's teaching.' Coincidentally, Mohamud is also an attorney and teaches a course on Islamic law at the William Mitchell College of Law."

It's not clear what relationship, if any, Mohamud has to the missing Somalis. He has denied knowing them. But as the Fox affiliate noted, he didn't know whether any had attended his mosque or participated in its youth programs.

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