Radical British Islamist Group Pledges Return

One of the most radical Islamist groups in England may try to re-establish after shutting down operations in the face of a possible government ban in 2005. Al-Muhajiroun has praised terrorist groups from Hamas to Al Qaeda and advocated Islamic rule over the West, calling for the flag of Islam to fly over 10 Downing Street and the White House. A statement claiming to speak for the group said:

"However, we would like to declare that after almost 15 years since the establishment of Al-Muhajiroun, and 5 years since its disbandment, Al-Muhajiroun is to be re-launched in the United Kingdom and to resume its activities as normal.

We would also like to stress particularly to the British public that Al-Muhajiroun is a completely legal organisation and hence the recommencement of its structure, activities and projects should be seen in this light." [Emphasis original]

British officials contemplating banning the group following the 7/7 bombings that targeted London transit, but it shut itself down first. A Labour Party official called for "swift, tough and decisive action" should Al-Muhajiroun re-form.

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