It's Not Exactly Oprah

The folks at the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) have showcased clips from a Palestinian women's program from May 14 that shows the depth of anti-Semitism Hamas funnels into the culture.

The program airs on Al Aqsa television, which is run by Hamas. The clip features three excerpts from the show, the first involving an Egyptian psychologist named Wafa Musa, who says the Holocaust was brought on by "their love of money. The only god or religion of the Jews is money – not the Jewish religion or the dream of the so-called Greater Israel."

Extremists often claim that they distinguish between Jews and Zionists, but Musa – again, she's a psychologist – doesn't:

"I always ask myself: Why did Hitler annihilate the Zionists or the Jews? By character, they definitely deserve this."

In the same program, a Gaza University professor tells the audience that Jews kill Palestinians because "it is their ideology, which is taught to their children in their curricula."

Finally, there's the Palestinian version of the OctoMom, who proudly shows how off her quintuplets, all of whom are named after Hamas leaders. The video shows cozy videos of the babies in their nursery while soothing music plays. The mother's message doesn't seem quite as nurturing:

"No matter how many martyrs we lose, we will continue to give birth to Palestinian heroes, who will grow to be fighters, Allah willing."

It's certainly a far cry from this.

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