The HLF Defendants Who Got Away

Five former leaders and fundraisers for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) received long prison sentences last month after being convicted of illegally routing money to the Hamas terrorist group. That prompted journalist Todd Bensman to wonder what happened to two other conspirators named in the indictment, but who fled the country just before it was issued in 2004.

Haithem Maghawri and Akram Mishal are believed to be living in the Middle East – Mishal in Syria and Maghawri in either Gaza or Lebanon – where they probably are out of reach from American law enforcement. Since they're accused of financing terror, and not plotting or carrying out attacks, hunting them down may not be considered a priority.

But there are international warrants out for their arrests.

"They'd be captured and extradited only if either man makes the mistake of trying to travel through the wrong friendly country and gets noticed," Bensman wrote.

But one FBI agent promised Bensman the two fugitives won't be forgotten, "at least not while some of us are still employed."

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