Justice Department Recruits Civil Servants for ISNA Convention

Jennifer Rubin of Pajamas Media (PJM) has obtained a copy of an internal Justice Department e-mail urging employees to participate in the Islamic Society of North America's upcoming convention.

"Volunteers needed for unique opportunity. The civil rights division will be sponsoring an information booth at the islamic society of north america convention here at the washington convention center over the july 4th weekend. The division needs volunteers to work at the booth at times on July 3 through July 5," according to the memo, which describes the ISNA convention as "a huge cultural event in the muslim community."

According to the e-mail obtained by Rubin, the Civil Rights Division is seeking attorneys who can "engage visitors in discussion" about the division's work, and wants "non-attorney staff, law students and student interns who would be willing to hand out literature and answer basic questions." The e-mail concludes: "If you are willing to volunteer for this unique opportunity, please submit your contavt [sic] information along with the dates you can volunteer to the Human Resources Office email account."

Why is the Justice Department soliciting civil service employees to work at ISNA's convention? Rubin notes our past reporting that ISNA was founded in 1981 "by Muslim Brotherhood members who had been part of the Muslim Students Association." Its founders included convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative Sami Al-Arian.

ISNA was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas terror-support prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), which resulted last year in the convictions of five former HLF officials on 108 counts.

So federal prosecutors with access to stacks of bank records, including checks and vouchers from an ISNA subsidiary to senior Hamas terrorist operative Mousa Abu Marzook, consider ISNA a co-conspirator in a plot to route millions of dollars to terrorists. At the same time, their colleagues in Washington court volunteers to work at holiday weekend at the co-conspirator's conference.

The e-mail was right. That is a unique opportunity. Read more about ISNA here.

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