Prominent Arab Journalist: Only War can Resolve the Palestinian Problem

Arab journalist Jihad el-Khazen has written a column asserting that the Palestine-Israeli dispute "only be resolved through war." War is the "only logical end" to the problem "unless a nuclear terrorist attack happens before that, and kills both the killers and the victims," according to el-Khazen. The writer further calls the Israeli government "Zio-Nazis" and claims that "the Jews can lay no legitimate claims whatsoever to the land of Palestine."

Unfortunately, these inflammatory statements do not spring from the fevered imagination of an Arab blogger, or the anonymous ravings of an Arabic chatroom denizen. Jihad el-Khazen is an influential writer a Middle Eastern magazine listed as one of the world's 100 most influential Arabs. El Khazen's screed appeared in al-Hayat, a Saudi financed London based publication, which the New York Times describes as "regarded as by far and away the best and most intensely read Arab newspaper."

In a 2003 essay on how Arab journalists "whitewash terrorism," Matthew Levitt singled out el-Khazen as "The prime example of this state of denial and intellectual atrophy… With people like this feeding the Mideastern denial frenzy, it's no wonder the Arab street has responded with such hostility to Western efforts to expose international terrorist activities, even after September 11."

In 2007 another writer suggested that should al-Hayat "not take the proper steps to correct the problem" of el-Khazen's incendiary rhetoric, "the UK should be encouraged to launch an investigation... to determine whether al-Khazen is guilty of hate speech."

Two years on, this suggestion is even more appropriate.

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