British Government Funds Muslim Brotherhood-Related Organization

A British government funded organization has donated nearly £50,000 to a Muslim Brotherhood connected organization, according to a UK think tank. The Center for Social Cohesion, an organization specializing in the study of extremism in Britain, reports that Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) established in 2007 to "work with Muslim organisations to tackle violent extremism" had donated £48,000 pounds (almost $80,000) to the Muslim Welfare House (MWH)

MWH is a member of Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE.) The FIOE serves as an umbrella organization for most European Brotherhood group, according to analyst Lorenzo Vidino. The House has had on its board such extremists as Mohammed Sawalha, a former Hamas leader. Earlier this year, Sawalha signed a declaration in Istanbul in support of Hamas. One of the clauses in the document called for fighting "by all ways and means' foreign navies preventing the smuggling of arms into Gaza. The British navy was engaged in that very activity. Other MWH officials have had definite Muslim Brotherhood ties, according to the think tank.

None of the extremists are currently on the board of MWH. However, its ties to FIOE remain. At a time in which the UK is subject to intense international criticism for the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi the convicted Lockerbie bomber, the British government would do well to more closely vet the recipients of its largesse.

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