Report: Terrorist Groups Meet in Lebanon to Discuss Anti-American Actions

Lebanon Now, an online Lebanese magazine, has reported a meeting of extremist Islamist groups in Beirut. Leaders from al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya, Hizballah, Hamas and Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HT) met in late August to discuss a number of issues, including how to confront any American peace plan for the Middle East. The participants affirmed that the plan "must be opposed by all possible means, especially by escalating acts of resistance."

The article contained few details. The gathering was diverse, though. Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya (The Islamic Association) is a Muslim Brotherhood inspired group, as is Hamas; while Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a non-Brotherhood group seeking to re-establish the Muslim Caliphate. Hizballah, as a Shiite group, differs in a number of regards from other three, which are Sunni organizations. In the past, these extremist organizations have often had separate agendas. However, they all agree on the need to oppose US efforts in the Middle East.

The presence of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is noteworthy. The group has been engaged in a major effort to intensify its presence on the radical scene. As part of this campaign HT held a conference in the United States itself in July. The Investigative Project on Terrorism's reports on the event can be read here and here.

Read the Investigative Project on Terrorism's translation of the article here.

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