MPAC Promotes a New Blood Libel

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) sunk to a new low Monday, referring to a decades-old medical program in Israel, misconstruing the facts of that program and renewing the new blood libel that Israelis are indiscriminately killing Palestinians in order to harvest their organs.

Highlighting an Op-ed in a Swedish newspaper which claimed that the Israeli army kidnapped and killed young Palestinians to harvest their organs, MPAC justified its distribution of this "story" by claiming it wants a "healthy debate within our society, particularly between American Jews and Muslims." "Healthy debate" is important, and MPAC and its leadership are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. Here are the facts as have been reported by other news outlets.

During the 1990s, a state-run forensic laboratory in Israel harvested organs from bodies in its labs without consent from surviving relatives. This involved both Israelis and Palestinians. When news of these inappropriate actions came to light, Israel established new guidelines to ensure that these actions would never be repeated.

MPAC's statement, however, acts as if the disclosure validates the original Swedish article, which claimed the existence of an active cabal of Jews stealing the organs of non-Jews all over the world, as part of a shadowy network with "tentacles everywhere" and a motivation of "revenge, restitution, reparation for the Holocaust."

There's nothing close to that in the latest reports and MPAC knows it. When CNN contacted the author of the Swedish article, Donald Bostrom, he admitted that "he had no proof that Israeli soldiers were stealing organs." The repetition of this blood libel is not new, and while it is unsurprising that MPAC would be so craven in republishing a clearly anti-Semitic lie, it is surprising that they would do so without any regard for the facts.

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