Second Congress Member Calls for Action on Viva Palestina

Because it has "consistently provided material support" to Hamas, the U.S. Treasury Department should designate Viva Palestina as a supporter of a foreign terrorist organization, a Republican congresswoman said in a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Sue Myrick's letter cites the volume of goods Viva Palestina convoys have delivered to Gaza and the leadership's open acknowledgement of its Hamas support. Such a designation could freeze Viva Palestina assets in the U.S. and put a halt to future support for convoys.

The third Viva Palestina convoy in the past 12 months ended in violence last week when clashes broke out at the Egyptian border with Gaza. Dozens of people were injured and an Egyptian officer was killed. Egypt deported Galloway upon his exit from Gaza. The convoy left London in early December and was greeted by Hamas officials in countries throughout the way.

In December, California Democrat Brad Sherman sent similar letters to the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice and the State Department.

To read more about Viva Palestina's Hamas support, click here.

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