NYT: Zazi Relative May be Cooperating

Months after Najibullah Zazi's arrest for planning to bomb multiple locations in New York City using improvised explosive devices, his uncle Naqib Jaji is being held under a sealed indictment and may be cooperating with federal prosecutors. This, according to a report by the New York Times on Wednesday.

Back in September 2009, Zazi was indicted for conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction, a felony punishable by the death penalty. Officials believed he was planning a series of imminent bombing attacks in New York that could have been the worst terrorist attacks in America since 9/11.

Although arrested with a number of other co-conspirators, information relating to the investigation and prosecution has remained limited. Prosecutors have indicated that they are likely to bring additional charges in the coming months, and the cooperation of Jaji may be a first step in that path.

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