Hamas's British Support Base

A think-tank tied to Israeli intelligence is out with a new report detailing the depth of Hamas support and operations based in Great Britain.

The report from the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, a non-governmental organization "dedicated to the memory of the fallen of the Israeli Intelligence Community," argues that Britain's laissez faire approach has allowed "Hamas, with Muslim Brotherhood support … to take over a considerable portion of the Palestinian discourse in Britain … and has contributed to turning Britain into a center for extensive anti-Israeli activity." [Emphasis original]

As an example, Israeli officials hesitate visiting the country out of concern they might be arrested on trumped-up war crimes charges. Yet, activists with documented Hamas links operate freely despite clear recognition the organization itself is guilty of war crimes. As Human Rights Watch reported last month:

"Hamas can spin the story and deny the evidence, but hundreds of rockets rained down on civilian areas in Israel where no military installations were located," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Hamas leaders at the time indicated they were intending to harm civilians."

The Israeli report shows how London serves as home to Hamas publications, how Interpal and the Union of Good, both shut down in the U.S., route money to Hamas social service wings and how "money and material support for the de facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip [come] through Lifeline convoys: The convoys are dispatched to the Gaza Strip by an organization called Viva Palestina, founded by pro-Hamas British MP George Galloway." [Emphasis original]

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has chronicled Viva Palestina's Hamas support in great detail. See here and here for examples.

Hamas has been in power in Gaza for nearly three years and has taken no tangible steps toward modifying its radical, rejectionist views on recognizing and co-existing with Israel. Support from abroad, especially financial support, helps Hamas persist in its intransigence and obsession with violence.

In the 1980s and 90s, the U.S. served as a similar base of operations. Hamas deputy political leader Mousa Abu Marzook lived here, establishing a network of propaganda and financial support arms for Hamas. Leaders of the terrorist group routinely traveled the country to raise money.

Read the report and recognize that, absent a concerted effort by American law enforcement, the same depth of operations would still have a home in the United States.

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