Brothers Tap Pink Floyd Classic to Fight the Mullahs

It's been more than a year since Iranian authorities brutally suppressed non-violent protests against alleged electoral fraud. Now, two Iranian brothers in Canada are using a remake of a classic rock anthem to keep the spirit of the counter-revolution alive.

Blurred Vision's "Another Brick in the Wall" has the blessing and support from Pink Floyd front-man Roger Waters, whose anti-authoritarian song came out the same year as the Iranian revolution. Mixing traditional music video images with footage from last year's street protests, the updated version adds new relevance to the line "We don't need no thought control," and slightly amended the punchy, "Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!"

Blurred Vision musicians Sepp and Sohl's parents fled Iran after the 1979 revolution. They still have relatives in Iran, so they keep their last names a secret.

They see the original song, "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) as timeless, Sepp said, and "we hope that our updated version for the 21st century can open people's eyes to what is happening."

He described an email his brother received from an Iranian who heard about their song:

"This kid was essentially saying, 'You are now our voice, and if you guys stop we'll have no one to speak for us, so keep going.' It just sent shivers down my spine knowing someone so young could be feeling so hopeless in their own nation."

With so many reports of youth radicalization, Blurred Vision's stand for freedom is a welcome sight, and something Pink Floyd fans should appreciate. See the video here.

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