British Arrest Revolution Muslim Member

Bilal Zaheer Ahmad, a 23 year old from Wolverhampton UK, has been arrested for threats directed at British Parliamentarians who voted for the Iraq War. His threat appeared on, an American Islamist website that has been connected to at least two other terrorism cases in the last year. The IPT's post on the threat can be read here.

Revolution Muslim was a popular clearinghouse for speeches by Anwar al-Awlaki and other terrorist leaders, as well as a forum for aspiring radicals. Following the threat against the British parliament, Google shut down the website at the request of the American and British governments.

In particular, the website was fashionable with aspiring young, English speaking converts to radical Islam. These included Zachary Chesser, a major contributor and leader of the group, and Roshanara Choudhry. Chesser recently pled guilty to communicating threats to the cartoonists of South Park and attempting to provide material support to terrorist organization Al-Shabaab. Choudhry was sentenced to life imprisonment after stabbing British Parliamentarian Stephen Timms. A police interrogation shows that she claimed to have been inspired by speeches by Awlaki and Abdullah Azzam and by visiting Revolution Muslim.

Although Revolution Muslim is now defunct, former leader Younus Abdullah Muhammad has transferred his message to a new website called Posts so far indicate that the website encourages the same type of pro-terrorist sentiment as its predecessor.

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