Goldstone Committee Head Resigns

The UN Human Rights Council's panel to review the Goldstone Report, suffered a setback yesterday when German jurist Christian Tomuschat resigned, citing a busy schedule. However, critics have opined that he should have been fired over highly biased views that made his appointment a dubious affair, according to Foxnews' Ben Evansky.

Tomuschat, who was to chair the three-person committee to review, monitor, and enforce the recommendations of the "UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict," also called the Goldstone Report. However, accusations of bias appeared from the Swiss based non-governmental organization UN Watch, which issued a report documenting actions the jurist had taken in favor of Palestinian actors. The report noted that Tomuschat had performed legal work for Yasser Arafat, "had frequently compared Israeli actions with the "barbarism" and "inferno" of World War II; and had repeatedly accused Israel of "state terrorism."

Anne Bayefsky, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and Touro College, commented to Foxnews on the resignation of Tomuschat and another member of the Committee. She stated "Tomuschat and company jumped at the chance to spend some time at UN center stage by repeating the Goldstone blood libel and sidestepping criticism of Hamas. With their biases fully exposed and their reputation as serious lawyers suffering, however, they jumped ship."

Although the committee is scheduled to present its next report in March 2011, no new replacements have been named to this oversight group.

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