British Islamist: "Behead Democracy" and Replace It With Islam

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has posted video of a British Islamist urging Muslims to "attack" Prime Minister David Cameron and to replace democracy with Islam. Speaking at last month's Islamic Awakening Conference in Great Britain, a Salafist named Abu Mounisa emphasized the need to impose Islam on British society.

"Our da'wa should be the da'wa that attacks their system, and we replace it with Islam," Mounisa said. Muslims "need to attack" Cameron and tell society: "Your laws are oppressive. We need to deal with those laws, and replace them with Islam."

Mounisa added that he would not be satisfied with coercing individual Muslims to abide by Islamic law:

"We're not just calling one sister or one brother to follow the religion of Allah. We want the whole society to bow down to Allah. We don't want only one sister to wear the khimar [veil] and jilbab [cloak]. We want the whole society to wear the khimar and jilbab . We don't want only our brothers and sisters to make sujud [bow down] to Allah. We want the whole society to make sujud to Allah. This is the da'wa of the Prophet Muhammad."

Mounisa pointed to the example of the Prophet chopping the heads off of idols. "He went and destroyed them, killed them, chopped their heads off, beheaded them. That is why, my dear brothers, we need to behead democracy from its roots," Mounisa said. "We need to behead capitalism from its roots, take it, kill it from its roots. That is what we need to do. We should hate it so much, my dear brothers, that every day, we should attack their system."

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