New English-Language Jihad Forum

A new English-language jihadi forum offers sections dedicated to military preparations and speeches by Anwar al-Awlaki. Al Mojahden English Network, founded by the Iraq-centered Al Mojahden Electronic Network, is another addition to the proliferation of English sections on major jihadi websites.

The new page features forums dedicated to Mujahideen press releases, news, and commentary. Uniquely, it has additional pages for threads in French, Turkish, German and Hebrew, although they have yet to receive any posts. Within its first few days, the English site has already featured posts on using AK-47s, making bombs, getting fit for jihad, and evading FBI informants, through an article entitled "10 methods to detect and foil the plots of spies."

In addition, the analytics data found at the bottom of the page provides information about the rapid growth of a new English forum. In its first few days after its official launch on January 7, the website has picked up over 270 posts, 63 active members, and 230 threads.

Alongside the launch of Al-Qudisiyyah Media, which plans to translate terrorist information into South Asian languages, Al Mojahden English Forum is part of an increasing push for more jihadi media. A recent article entitled, "In the Heart of the Matter: The Reality and Role of the Jihadist Media," laid out an action plan for increasing jihadi media groups. "Every day we witness the revival and rebirth of other establishments and pulpits, I pray that Allah increase them," the article said. It also called for the creation of additional media teams and cooperation of existing groups, "to release their potential towards unique and continuous Jihadist media commensurate with Jihadist progress on all fronts."

For more about the article "In the Heart of the Matter: The Reality and Role of the Jihadist Media" click here. For more about the article "10 Methods to Detect and Foil the Plots of Spies" click here.

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