Yemen's Rising Prominence

To many Americans, 2010 was the year that Yemen appeared on the map.

While the country made global news in 2000 for the al-Qaida bombing of the USS Cole in its waters, in 2009-2010 you could not escape news of Yemen and its regional al-Qaida affiliate, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). From the glossy English-language jihadist magazine, Inspire, to numerous thwarted terrorist plots against the U.S. homeland over the past few years, Yemen has been front and center. Much of this has been because of the rising prominence of American-born jihadists operating in Yemen—namely Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan.

However, as CBS' 60 Minutes outlined on Sunday, there is more to Yemen than that which has made news in the West. To see the video report, click below.

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