Jihadists Escape Egyptian Prisons

Some of the thousands of prisoners who have escaped from Egyptian jails during the current unrest are radical Islamists, including members of the terrorist organization Hamas. Al-Jazeera aired this report about one of the escapees, a Palestinian radical captured by Egyptian forces in the Sinai while planning an attack on Israel. The man, who escaped from prison on Saturday and returned to Gaza, vowed to continue his "armed resistance" against the Jewish State.

At least eight Hamas prisoners from Gaza were reported to have broken out of a Cairo-area jail during the recent wave of unrest centered on calls for President Hosni Mubarak's ouster. By Monday, three of them had re-entered Gaza through underground tunnels used to smuggle people and weapons.

"I was able to escape from…prison with eight of my comrades, Palestinian political detainees, when it was torched during the events there," said Mohammed Abdel-Hadi, arrested two years ago in Egypt for belonging to Izzedin al-Qassam, Hamas' military wing.

Meanwhile, Muslim Brotherhood officials said 34 members of the organization (including seven members of its leadership) walked out of Egyptian prisons Sunday after prisoners' relatives stormed a prison 75 miles northwest of Cairo and overpowered guards.

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