Treasury Designations Target Haqqani Fundraisers

Treasury officials designated two Afghani men as global terrorists on Monday, saying they play significant roles in routing money and supplies to both the Taliban and al-Qaida.

Khalil Al-Rahman Haqqani "is among the … most important figures and fundraisers" in the "Haqqani Network," a Treasury statement said. The network, run by veteran Afghan rebel Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son, Sirajuddin Haqqani, is tied to the Taliban and works in the lawless region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is has led attacks on U.S. forces and the Afghan government.

Khalil Al-Rahman Haqqani has been "responsible for the detention of enemy prisoners captured by the Taliban and the Haqqani Network," and "taken orders for Taliban operations from his nephew Sirajuddin Haqqani," the statement said. He also has traveled to the United Arab Emirates to raise money and has collected from donors in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and China.

'Abd Al-Salam has collected thousands of dollars al-Qaida and the Taliban and served as an al-Qaida commander for securing weapons. He also has served as a communications conduit between al-Qaida and the Taliban, the Treasury statement said.

Related Topics: IPT News, Haqqani Network
