Egypt May Restore Iran Ties

Egypt is operating under what amounts to an interim government, but its foreign minister already is pursuing renewed diplomatic ties with Iran.

"The Egyptian and Iranian people deserve to have mutual relations reflecting their history and civilization," said Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi after meeting with his Iranian counterpart.

The two nations broke apart after the Iranian Revolution brought a Shia theocracy to power. Egypt is a predominantly Sunni country. Egypt then pursued peace with Israel while Iran continues issuing threats against the Jewish State.

The rapprochement with Iran comes as religious conservatives in Egypt are trying to lay claim to the country's future. Overwhelming approval of recent constitutional reforms are viewed as enhancing the political fortunes of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is well organized and prepared for parliamentary elections later this year.

During the weekend, a prominent Islamist advocated creating a police squad to enforce dress codes and other morality issues.

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