Jihadist Website Cites Classified Information

A popular jihadist website has reposted a classified list of British intelligence agents, with names and the location of their postings. The post is the most recent example of Islamist websites citing classified intelligence data, released by whistleblower groups like Wikileaks and Anonymouse.org.

Ansar al-Mujahideen English Forum [AMEF], an important forum for aspiring jihadists, featured the record in a section on "Ummah" or Islamic nation news. The original list comes from cryptome.org, a website that publishes government documents. Many of those listed are posted in Muslim countries and the majority does not come from Middle Eastern or South Asian backgrounds.

While the authenticity of the list has not been verified, it is part of a worrisome trend of jihadist media exploiting information from stolen intelligence information. AMEF has reprinted several articles about Wikileaks releases, highlighting those that identify weaknesses in American security or reinforce their belief that the West is targeting Islam.

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