Israeli Islamist: We Will Die or Be Victorious

Raid Salah, the leader of the northern branch of Israel's Islamic Movement, traveled to Jordan to stir up support for the "resistance," according to an article in Jordanian daily Al-Sabeel. Salah was previously banned from traveling abroad, a condition for his release in a Hamas fundraising case, but he is now being hailed as a hero by Jordan's Islamist community.

"Reassure yourself that you are welcome in Jerusalem and its wings, although they are being injured, imprisoned, and martyred," said Salah. "However, our word is one – we said it and we will say it in the courtyards of Jerusalem and the blessed Masjid al-Aqsa, in all positions we endured… We are an Ummah [nation] that doesn't surrender.. Either we will die or we will be victorious with the help of Allah, the most High."

"He told about the female heroes of al-Aqsa, exemplified in the organization 'Muslims for the sake of al-Aqsa,' which faced the arms and horses from the army of the Zionist enemy with the shout, 'It starts on the ground and rises to the heavens, with our souls, with our blood, we will sacrifice for you O Aqsa,'" Al-Sabeel reported. "In this are the beginnings of the positions of heroism, which have only one end; As the morning ends the night reliably, so is end of this heroism the extinction of the Israeli occupation."

Salah previously served time in Israeli prison for Hamas fundraising activities and for spitting in an Israeli police officer's face. As the leading Palestinian cleric in Israeli territory, which he believes is also a part of Palestine that will be liberated, Salah's comments are considered important in Islamist circles. Salah also recently declared that the al-Aqsa mosque is in danger, "warning of the risks due to Israeli violations."

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