Viva Palestina's Summer University with Terrorists, Round Two

The UK-based group Viva Palestina (VP) is sponsoring its second week long summer program in Lebanon beginning this weekend featuring radical speakers, including members of terrorist organizations.

The "Summer University of Palestine 2011" is hosted by Viva Palestina Arabia, the Lebanese branch of VP. George Galloway, the brainchild and head of VP, played an instrumental role in organizing the university. VP has delivered millions of dollars to the Hamas regime in Gaza during its four land convoys to the region.

The Summer University will be held at the American University of Beirut. Among its list of speakers are:

· Dr. Ali Fayyad, Hizballah leader.

· Leila Khaled, member of the U.S. designated terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

· George Galloway, former British MP and VP leader who raised millions of dollars in the U.S. and the UK and orchestrated the delivery of goods and money to Hamas leaders in Gaza.

· Bulent Yildirim, leader of the Turkish-based organization IHH that helped drive the deadly confrontation with Israeli commandos during the first Freedom Flotilla in May, 2010. Yildirim advocates martyrdom, is a revered supporter of Hamas and his organization provides material support to Hamas.

· Mustapha Hamdan, former Lebanese General, was arrested and jailed for his alleged role in the Rafik Hariri murder of 2005. Hamdan was released in April, 2009 due to lack of evidence.

· Daud Abdullah, director of the Islamist publication Middle East Monitor Online (MEMO) in the UK. Abdullah is also a signatory of the anti-Semitic, pro-Jihadist "Istanbul Declaration."

· Azzam Tamimi, an open supporter of terrorism.

· Osama Hamdan, Specially Designated Global Terrorist and senior Hamas leader in Lebanon.

According to a program announcement, speakers include representatives "from both Fatah and Hamas - the principal Palestinian organisations within the PLO forming the new Unity government - as well as political organisations supporting Palestinian liberation from the Lebanese Muslim and Christian communities."

Participants are expected to come from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, India, Iran, South Africa, North Africa, France, Germany, Spain and the UK.

Topics that will be covered in lectures include: "Concepts of resistance," "Palestinians' right to return," and "Lebanese resistance and the Palestinian question," according to the Summer University's program brochure.

Participants will also take trips in Southern Lebanon: "You will see the reality of what Israel's 22 year occupation of southern Lebanon meant and how it was finally ended in 2000 at the hands of the popular Lebanese national resistance," the brochure says.

During last year's Summer University of Palestine, Galloway praised Hizballah in a speech he gave to a room full of participants of the program, saying, "You know the Hizballah are special people. I've been involved in the Arab world for 35 years exactly. And I can tell you, with all respect to all others, Hizballah are a special Arab organization."

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