Anti-Israel Groups Blame Mossad for Norway Attack

A number of anti-Israel organizations have blamed the Jewish state and its supporters for the recent terrorist attack in Norway. The groups suggest that some pro-Israel and anti-Muslim sentiments expressed by Anders Breivik prove that Israel carried out or benefited from the attack, or that all pro-Israel supporters are dangerous.

An article on a Hamas website entitled "The Cancer of Christian Zionist Terror," makes the case. "Christian Zionism is the new Nazi beast, a kind of a Fourth Reich, looming on the horizon. It is evil, murderous and genocidal," said anti-Semitic writer Khalid Amayreh. "Just imagine the fact that we are talking about a combination of evil forces at work, including the nefarious powerful freemason cult, which penetrates many societies and governments, the Zionist movement, and neo-fascist Islamophobes seeking to ignite an internecine clash between Islam and the West."

"Today, it is Oslo; tomorrow it may be London, Paris, Berlin and Rome," he added.

Similar sentiments were expressed on the website of UFREE, the European network to support the rights of Palestinian prisoners. The group's statement on the Norway attack linked the summer camp massacre to pro-Palestinian advocacy, and maligned the terrorist for his pro-Israel views. "It has become known to the world that supporters of Israel are the real threat to world security and peace – they are the real source of terrorism," said the Oslo-based chair of UFree, Mohammed Hamdan.

Liberal Turkish newspaper Taraf published a report stating that the attacks could have been organized by Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad. "It is highly possible that the attacks are the handiwork of Mossad," reported the Kavkaz Center, a news site for Islamist separatists in Russia. "Norway repeatedly stated at an official level that it would become the first European country to recognize the independence of Palestine."

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