Shariah Groups Struggling for Members

A network of groups calling for the total Islamization of Western societies has not been very successful outside of Britain, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) says in a new report. Although their inflammatory rhetoric has drawn attention, they haven't drawn many Salafi-Jihadi extremists to their rallies.

"[D]espite the image they have attempted to create, and despite meriting some media attention in the countries where they operate, the groups lack a substantial presence on the ground, with the exception of the U.K.-based groups, whose relatively high numbers and effective organization enable them to be more active – and, as a result, to enjoy considerably larger publicity in the media," the MEMRI noted. "The most tangible presence of these groups, especially those outside the U.K., is on online social networks, namely YouTube and Facebook."

Shariah4America, the U.S. branch of the global Shariah movement, has not attracted a significant following. The movement draws inspiration from Britain-based cleric Anjem Choudary and exiled cleric Omar Bakri, but the aggressive street proselytizing and virulent rallies of the UK branches have yet to catch on here.

Despite an apparent lack of popularity in America, the two most popular jihadist blogs in the United States have featured calls from members of British Shariah organizations. However, during the decline of these two movements – Revolution Muslim/Islam Policy and Islamic Thinkers Society – British Islamists were unable to successfully translate their call to an American audience. Following an aborted March 3 rally, Shariah4America's website has been updated only sporadically.

Related Topics: IPT News, Shariah4America, Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri, Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI, Revoultion Muslim, Islam Policy, Islamic Thinkers Society
