Egyptians Involved in Israel Attack

At least three of the perpetrators of last week's deadly terror attack near Eilat were Egyptians, investigations by Israel's and Egypt's armies have found. Despite this, Egyptian political activists are still demanding a "million man protest" on the Israeli embassy in Cairo.

Eight Israelis were killed and 30 injured in a coordinated, three-part attack by the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees.

A leading member of Israel's General Staff, Amir Eshel, traveled to Cairo this week to present photographic evidence of Egyptian involvement in the attack, according to Ynet news. Videos he presented show that Israeli attack helicopters avoided hitting Egyptian militant vehicles and troops along the border, instead directing their fire into open areas where the terrorist were hiding. Egyptian troops were also reluctant to confront the militants who were firing across the border, and they may have been killed when they finally left their positions to stop the shooting. Egypt has yet to carry out autopsies on the bodies of the dead soldiers.

An inspection of the bodies of the terrorist proved that at least three of the terrorists were Egyptian. Notably, one of the dead terrorists had been tried in Egypt for radicalism and imprisoned. He escaped along with hundreds of other terrorists during the first days of the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Many of the escapees took refuge in Gaza, with Egypt pressing Hamas to extradite them back across the border.

Israel tried to avoid the release of embarrassing facts about the Egyptian army's response, to prevent a diplomatic crisis. Although an Egyptian inquiry into the event confirmed aspects of the Israeli account, Cairo's interim government is under tremendous pressure to sever relations with the Jewish state. Israel also avoided launching a major group operation in Gaza, an action that would have provoked a strong response from the Egyptian public.

Related Topics: IPT News, Eilat attack, Popular Resistance Committees, Egypt, Gaza
