Senior American al-Qaida Propagandist Killed in Pakistan

An al-Qaida affiliated media company, the Global Islamic Media Front [GIMF], recently announced the death of one of their senior media operatives. Abdul Moeed Abdul Salam [Abu Omar] was a key operative of al-Qaida's propaganda effort online, and was killed by Pakistani military intelligence in the city of Karachi.

The GIMF announcement provides many details about his radicalization. Born abroad in 1974, his family became American citizens and he worked as a high paid translator/teacher for American and Yemeni companies. Shortly before 1998, he became loosely affiliated with jihadi theology, but was strongly motivated by the "Manhattan Raid" of 9/11 to participate in jihad abroad. He first moved to Saudi Arabia to pursue this interest, and then transferred to several other countries including Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Abdul Salam played a major role in GIMF and in establishing media in English and various South Asian languages, according to the al-Qaida media company announcement. He was a founder of the Qadisiyah Media Group, which translates key jihadi documents into subcontinent languages, for recruiting from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.

The report does not say when he was killed. However, MEMRI states that a major al-Qaida web forum, Shumukh al-Islam, reported the death of a senior GIMF operative on November 24.

Related Topics: IPT News, Al-Qaida, GIMF, Abdul Moeed Abdul Salam, Shumukh al-Islam, Online, Pakistan, Afghanistan
