Americans, Israelis Warned in Thailand Hizballah Plot

American and Israeli officials are warning their citizens to avoid popular tourist spots in Bangkok after officials there arrested a Lebanese man suspected of being part of a Hizballah terrorist plot.

The arrest followed a tip from Israeli intelligence officials last month. Last week, they expressed concern that an attack might be launched this weekend. Thailand's defense minister also said the United States alerted them Thursday "about two terrorists who had entered Thailand and plan terrorist activities."

Officials believe the attempt might be in retaliation for the 2008 death of Hizballah military chief Imad Mughniyeh.

"At first we were told the Palestinians were behind it but it turned out to be the Hizballah," said Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung.

Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned its citizens to avoid places known to attract Israeli tourists. The U.S. embassy in Bangkok warned Americans that "foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future" and advised that they "keep a low profile in public areas, particularly areas frequented by foreign tourists."

Other possible targets include synagogues and the Israeli embassy.

Thailand police have increased security at Bangkok tourist spots. It is not clear that whether man arrested broke any laws. He is being held under immigration laws.

Related Topics: IPT News, Imad Mughniyeh, Thailand
