MPAC Touts Iran's "Victory"

An Iranian film wins an Oscar and the country's repressive regime gloats about its pride in beating an Israeli film in the same category. Oddly, the article is re-posted by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) on its Facebook and Twitter pages.

Though no comment was included, MPAC has lent support to Iran and Iranian-backed institutions while condemning the United States and Israel.

In a recent appearance on Russia Today's Cross Talk, MPAC President Salam al-Marayati painted Iran, which is suspected of building a nuclear weapon, as the victim in the current diplomatic crisis.

"The problem in the case of Iran is that it is singled out as the threat. We [the U.S.] don't deal with North Korea the same way we deal with Iran," al-Marayati said. "With other countries, we utilize the IAEA, we use multilateral instruments to deal with the nuclear problem. In this case with Iran, there is no dialogue, there is no negotiations, it is all confrontational policies that is part of a war mongering mentality here in the U.S. and they're just waiting for the tripwire and then the machinery of war will begin."

Not only does al-Marayati see the U.S. as the unreasonable aggressor in this situation, he accuses the American government of bending to the will of its Israeli allies.

"The other point here, which is very important historically, the United States has done a lot of dirty work that has served the interests of Israel," al-Marayati said. "It destroyed Iraq. It supported the destruction and crippling of Egypt. It has crippled the Gulf. And now, it is looking to Iran as the next target for crippling and destroying. I think this is madness. Who is driving our foreign policy? President Obama or Prime Minister Netanyahu?"

As the leader of an organization that claims to stand for civil rights and against terrorism, al-Marayati's defense of the Iranian regime is surprising. Iran is a designated state sponsor of terrorism and brutally suppresses dissent.

MPAC officials also have appeared on Press TV, the Iranian government's English-language broadcast outlet, at least six times since November 2010, always criticizing U.S. government policies or complaining about the plight of Muslims in America.

Related Topics: IPT News, Press TV, Amnesty International
