CAIR Official Sees "NYPD-CIA-Israeli" Conspiracy

Council on American-Islamic Relations-New York (CAIR-NY) board member Lamis Deek espoused anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist views in a Facebook post Monday.

Deek peddles the idea of an "NYPD-CIA-Israeli alliance in NY," and vows to New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Mayor Michael Bloomberg that "Palestinian Flags will overwhelm NY streets soon….a personal, personal promise."

Deek habitually accuses invokes Israeli bogeymen to her American audiences.

During a "Know Your Rights" presentation at a CAIR leadership conference and chapter banquet last April, Deek accused the Israeli Mossad of posing as FBI agents in America.

"It was discovered or published that a lot of the interviews that Muslims believed they were going into with the FBI, it turns out it wasn't with the FBI at all," Deek said. "Guess who it was? Mossad, Israeli intelligence in New York and New Jersey."

Deek urged audience members to never talk to FBI agents, saying agents will break the law to set up Muslims.

"If an agent tries to arrest someone or search their property, "ask to see the warrant," Deek advised later in the program, "because if the Mossad can go around pretending to be FBI, they can go around pretending to have search warrants."

As a Palestinian activist and attorney, Deek has maintained her anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist stance for quite some years. Aside from her affiliation with CAIR-NY, Deek was a high profile organizer of the Viva Palestina convoy that departed for Gaza in July 2009.

During a fundraiser for that convoy, Deek said the goal was not about providing charity to needy people, but to make a political point for the Palestinian people. That point includes a future without Israel. "[I]n choosing Hamas, what they chose was one united Palestinian state on all of the 1948 territories from the north to the very south. That is what Palestinians chose. And in supporting Palestinian choice we are saying we support their right to liberation from violent colonialism."

Deek is also a co-founder and co-chair of the Palestinian advocacy group, Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition.

At a February 2011 Al-Awda and International Socialist Organization event at Barnard College, Deek proclaimed that "Israeli policy has always been to ethnically cleanse using layered forms of oppression and massacres."

Related Topics: IPT News, Lamis Deek, NYPD
