Cyanide Plot Instructions Posted for London Games

Exactly four months before the summer Olympic Games begin in London, officials are enacting security measures and trying to identify potential terrorist threats.

The latest, uncovered by The Sun newspaper, involves mixing cyanide into hand cream. A Sun investigator saw a discussion on the idea after using a fake identity to gain access to a website frequented by radical Islamists, including "known links to six al—Qaeda terrorists."

One participant, identified as Abu Hija Ansari, posted instructions on how to mix the poison, including a warning that gloves are worn to protect the terrorists: "Through skin: 1 — cyanide, 2 — skin cream. Mix the ingredients. The skin cream will open the pores in the skin and speed up the absorption and effectiveness of the poison."

It's not clear how the hand cream would be distributed to large numbers of people attending the games. But others on the website praised the idea, including one woman who posted a logo of the Olympiad and wrote "It's time to prepare for the event, as once again they are interfering with innocent Muslims."

British security officials have not commented on the report. There are strong concerns, however, that the games will be targeted by terrorists, including sleeper cells already entrenched in London.

"Those who believe there is no terrorist threat are living in cloud cuckoo land," Bernard Jenkin, a Tory MP and chairman of the all-party homeland security group, said in response to the Sun report.

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