NY Man Convicted of Hizballah Support

An Indian citizen living illegally in America has been convicted in New York on five counts of supporting Hizballah and conspiring to traffic in firearms, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara announced Wednesday. Patrick Nayyar worked with another foreign national who remains at large to deliver weapons, vehicles, and military equipment to the Lebanese terrorist organization.

Between July and September 2009, Nayyar and Conrad Stanisclaus Mulholland agreed to provide equipment for Hizballah to an undercover FBI informant. As part of their agreement, the duo passed the informant a handgun, a box of ammunition and a pick-up truck, believing that the undercover mole was passing the materials on to Hizballah.

Nayyar, a former building superintendant, was also arrested in New York in September 2009 for illegally possessing a handgun and hollow-point bullets.

Nayyar faces 75 years in jail and will be sentenced in September.

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