"Muslim-American Society: American Friend or Foe?"

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SEAN HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity's America". According to the Muslim American Society's web site, it is a pioneering Islamic organization that uplifts the individual, family and society, a model filled with hypocrisy considering what its leader recently said.

Take a listen and decide for yourself.


ESAM OMEISH: The Muslim of the Washington Metropolitan Area are here today in sub-freezing temperatures to tell our brothers and sisters in Philistine that you have learned the way, that you have known that the Jihad way is the way to liberate your land. And we, by standing here today, despite the weather and despite anything else, we are telling them that we are with you.


HANNITY: Joining us now is Steve Emerson, director of the Investigative Project and author of Jihad, Incorporated, a Guide to Militant Islam in the U.S.

All right, Steve, I am listening to these words here, Jihad the way to liberation, et cetera. And yet, he is protesting with Cindy Sheehan? What have you discovered?

STEVEN EMERSON: Well, Esam Omeish is a part of the Muslim American society, which was created actually as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a worldwide Islamic extremist organization that was started in 1920s.

He believes in Jihad. In the United States, however, it wraps itself up in terms of being it being a civil rights group. But has protected and defended nearly every radical Islamic terrorists convicted since 9-11. It has actually had some of its staffers convicted of terrorism, including Ismail Royer , convicted of waging war against the United States.

And it has taken positions, including that clip that you played from that rally, that supports Jihad and suicide bombings against Israelis.

HANNITY: Tell us about the connection that he has to Cindy Sheehan?

EMERSON: Well, I think there is an alliance that has been forged between the extreme left and the ultra radical Islamic groups, like the Muslim American Society, which hate the United States. They wouldn't say it openly. But, in fact, they believe the United States should become a Muslim country.

Now, there's a convergence there because of their policies toward Iraq. They think the United States is the big Satin. I mean, their view on the United States is really no different than Iran.

HANNITY: I guess what's puzzling here, you are saying the Muslim American Society is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Am I understanding you correctly?

EMERSON: It was created by the Muslim Brotherhood and effectively is the North American branch of the brotherhood.

HANNITY: Then I guess, if you're saying and we hear the radical views expressed in this particular tape, how many people are part of this organization? How many people that believe this are here in American cities?

EMERSON: Well, the Muslim American Society claims it has tens of thousands of members. It has more than 50 chapters. It requires its members to read the writings of Hasan al-Bana as well as other radical theorists of the Muslim Brotherhood that call for jihad, that call for violence, that call for overturning any type of Western government. They call for making the world a Muslim world.

And that's really quite evident of the types of politics that it espouses. The fact that it continues to grow in the United States -- it pretends to be a civil rights group. It gets quoted uncritically by major newspapers.

Former presidential candidate, Walter Mondale, spoke at a mass conference in Minnesota and so did former presidential candidate General Wesley Clark speak at a mass conference, shows the extent to which they are able to deceive people into believing they are a moderate group.

They are a very dangerous group as far as I am concerned.

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