Article Alleges Hamas Money Laundering

Hamas has several business fronts operating in Saudi Arabia and Sudan which launder money for the terrorist group, the Arab News claimed in a report Wednesday.

The report claims "high-level Gulf sources" confirmed a previous story in Kuwait's al Seyassah about the illicit activity. The Gulf Cooperation Council is expected "to put an end to the illegitimate financial activity Hamas is carrying out, without excluding these authorities arresting and prosecuting the movement's leadership cadres," an IPT translation of the Arab News report said.

The story named four specific businesses serving as fronts benefitting Hamas. It did not make clear what crimes generated the money, thus requiring its laundering.

Three of the companies identified are in and around Jeddah; al Sawa'id Technical for Contracting, "Al Afaq for Computer Technology and Amsar for Trade. The fourth, Hassan and Abed International for Roads and Bridges, was described as operating in Sudan's capital Khartoum.

If true, the report shows Hamas continues to use front groups for some of its operating money. In the United States, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and five former officials were convicted in 2008 of illegally routing more than $12 million to the designated terrorist group. The foundation was one of several U.S.-based charities which were found to be supporting Hamas.

They were part of a Muslim-Brotherhood network to help Hamas politically and financially. The network, known as the "Palestine Committee," had branches in other countries.

Another terrorist group, Hizballah, is suspected of having significant involvement in drug trafficking and money laundering.

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