Palestinian Institute's Wishful Thinking

The Gaza based Palestinian Institute of Strategic Studies has issued a report in Arabic saying Israel's 66th anniversary shows "the slope of the collapse of the Zionist entity is escalating." It mentions several factors which it says are contributing to this collapse, including a quantitative and qualitative improvement among Palestinian forces "which helps to increase the crisis and the problem in Israel."

The report claimed that the Jews are reluctant to immigrate to Israel, and that many Jews are immigrating away from Israel, and that the political and moral corruption is flourishing all over.

In fact, Israel's population has grown steadily, counting 8.2 million people today, 10 times the population when statehood was declared in 1948. That figure includes 1.7 million Israeli Arabs.

The report said that Israelis are defaulting from serving in the military service, and that sexual harassment in the army is increasing.

Hamas-owned Al Quds television featured the report on its main page. "The end of the Zionist state is not related to a timely prophesy, but it's related to the capability of the Palestinian resistance to expand the Israeli crisis and the problems, so the Zionist state will be incapable of countering the problems," it said, quoting from the report.

Related Topics: IPT News, Palestinian Institute of Strategic Studies
