Seized Hamas Video Shows Israeli Commuter Train Targeted

A new train line in Israel may be vulnerable to terrorist rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, Israel Hayom reports. Israeli forces seized a video showing extensive Palestinian surveillance of an Israeli passenger train from the home of a senior Hamas operative in Gaza, suggesting that an attack is being planned.

The train line is only a few months old, connecting Sderot, the town near Gaza which has been bombarded by Palestinian rocket fire for years, to Israel's center. Palestinians were discovered monitoring the train line only a few hundred meters away from the border.

As a result, Israel Railways and the IDF Southern Command are working to implement an expensive plan to protect the vulnerable stretch of track.

Hamas and other terrorists have been able to bring more advanced weaponry in Gaza, including anti-tank missiles, enhancing the risk to transportation and civilian communities in general.

As the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas seek to implement a unity government in the coming week, the video serves as a reminder that Hamas is a terrorist organization committed solely to attacking and trying to destroy Israel.

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