Palestinian Authority Envoy Calls for Israel's Destruction

Israel's "annihilation" is in progress and "the new generation in Iran will certainly witness our victory over Israel," the Palestinian Authority's envoy to Iran told Gaza supporters Tuesday, reported the Algemeiner website.

"The U.S. and the Western countries have created a fake regime in Palestine to get rid of it and have supplied it with the most advanced weapons," said Salah al-Zawawi.

A day earlier, the Hamas representative to Tehran, Khaled Al-Qadoumi, defended his organization's ongoing terrorist campaign.

"The only mechanism for liberating Palestine is resistance and we have no option that supporting the resistance," Al-Qadoumi told a conference of Palestinian supporters.

The word "resistance" is Hamas-speak for terrorist attacks targeting Israeli civilians.

"Hamas will not talk to those who are willing to make compromise and have negotiations with Israel," he added.

Even though Hamas is demanding a lifting of the Israeli blockade of Gaza, the terrorist organization is committed to the Jewish state's destruction by all means in the longer run.

Al-Qadoumi also lauded Iran's financial and military support, as the Iranian press acknowledges the Islamic Republic's role in transferring sophisticated weaponry to Hamas.

"We hope to be able to make our missiles more advanced with the help of the knowledgeable Iranians."

While indirect negotiations between Hamas and Israel take place in Cairo, the terrorist organization and other Palestinian factions are boasting of their ongoing rocket production capabilities and continue to threaten attacks against Israel.

Related Topics: IPT News, Salah al-Zawawi, Khaled Al-Qadoumi
