Rasmieh Odeh Jury Selected

DETROIT - Opening statements will be given Wednesday morning in the immigration fraud trial of Chicago activist Rasmieh Odeh.

A 12-member jury and two alternates were selected Tuesday.

Prospective jurors were told that exhibits will show that Odeh, 67, was convicted for a bombing attack 45 years ago in which two people were killed. That attack at a Jerusalem grocery story is relevant in this case only because Odeh failed to disclose her record when she applied for naturalization as an American citizen in 2004. Immigration forms specifically ask if someone was ever arrested or convicted, and Odeh checked boxes marked "no."

Several prospective jurors were dismissed after telling the judge that they did not think they could be fair with Odeh after learning she was connected to a deadly attack. Jurors also were asked if they had any biases against Palestinians and Muslims.

Several dozen Odeh supporters traveled from Chicago for the trial's opening, as they have for a series of pre-trial hearings. They held a brief demonstration outside the Detroit federal courthouse after the trial recessed for the day.

If convicted, Odeh could be stripped of her citizenship, face prison time and ultimately be deported.

For background on the case, and the campaign by those supporters to try to get the charges dropped, see our five-part video series., "Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim."

To see part 1, "Who is Rasmieh Odeh?"
click here.

To see Part 2, "Rasmieh Odeh's Victims," 
click here.

To see part 3, "From Terrorist to American
Citizen" click here.

To see part 4, "Rasmieh Odeh's Changing
Story" click here.

To see part 5, "A Spin Strategy Larger Than
Rasmieh Odeh Herself" click here.



Related Topics: IPT News, Rasmieh Odeh, Gershwin Drain, Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim
