Islamic State Supporters Protest in Gaza, Attempt to Storm French Institute

Roughly 200 Salafi-Jihadis in Gaza rallied outside of the French Cultural Institute on Monday, denouncing the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and praising the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports.

The protesters raised black Jihadi flags and carried posters featuring the Kouachi brothers and Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorists who carried out the deadly attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Paris kosher supermarket. The Salafis threatened attacks on French citizens and attempted to storm the cultural institute before being prevented by Hamas security forces.

"We were going to cut off [i.e. boycott] your products and now we will cut off your heads" and "Frenchmen, leave Gaza or else we will slaughter you," chanted the Islamic State [IS] supporters.

"I direct a message to our leader [IS leader Abu Bakr] Al-Baghdadi: God willing, you have an army in Greater Syria and Iraq that will take revenge on behalf of the noble Prophet. They will never forego or neglect bringing victory to Allah's religion… I direct a message to the French newspaper: God willing we will come to you with explosives. You will not hear the news but witness it, and I will say no further," said demonstrator Abu Hassan.

Another IS supporter called for the deaths of anyone who insults the Prophet Muhammad.

"We say to the whole world that the Islamic State is here to stay and to expand. Allah willing, we will slaughter whoever mocks the Prophet Muhammad. This is our message."

One protester shouted a revised version of an infamous Jihadi chant, which is frequently chanted at radical protests to call for the destruction of Israel and murder of Jews.

"Khaybar, Khaybar, oh France, the army of Muhammad is returning."

In this case, "France" replaced "Jews" [Yahud].

The Palestinian territories, particularly Gaza, are experiencing a growing presence of Islamic State supporters.

The French cultural center also was defaced by graffiti last weekend. "You will go to hell, French journalists," was spray painted on the building, along with "Anything but the prophet."

Related Topics: IPT News, Gaza, Islamic State, MEMRI, Charlie Hebdo, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, Khaybar, Khaybar chant
