Swedish Reporter Wearing Yarmulke Attacked in Malmo

A reporter wearing a kippah, a Jewish skullcap, was attacked in the Swedish city of Malmo in an experiment to gage anti-Jewish attitudes, according to an Expressen report highlighted by Algemeiner. Peter Lindgren, who is not Jewish, walked through Malmo with a hidden camera and was subjected to direct threats by various individuals.

In a documentary which aired on Sweden's national television last week, one man is seen calling Lindgren a "Jewish s***" and told him to "leave," while another physically assaulted him and shouted "Satan Jew."

The threats increased as the reporter approached areas with more Muslim residents.

The video shows a gang threatening Lindgren, while people from neighboring homes verbally abused him.

Malmo boasts Sweden's largest number of anti-Semitic incidents, often at the hands of Muslim residents. Roughly 20 percent of the city's residents are Muslim. The report states that approximately 600 Jews are left in the city, Sweden's third largest, and many seek to migrate to other cities because they feel unsafe.

During the first half of 2013, Malmo police reported 35 attacks targeting Jews, triple the previous year.

Swedish-Jewish leader Lena Posner Körösi said that threats against Jews in Sweden have increased significantly following the latest terror attacks in Paris targeting the Charlie Hebdo newspaper and a kosher supermarket.

Click here to see the full report, which is presented in Swedish with English subtitles.

Related Topics: IPT News, anti-Semitism, Expressen, Peter Lindgren, Lena Posner Körösi
