Palestinian Education Ministry Honors Terrorists As Attacks Against Israelis Continue

Fatah and the Palestinian Authority (PA) – the so-called "moderate" factions – are increasing their violent incitement against Jews and encouraging Palestinians to continue a terrorist wave of attacks plaguing Israel in recent weeks.

The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education is planting olive trees honoring the "Martyrs" who have took part in brutally murdering and injuring Israelis throughout the country.

"This event is meant to illustrate the devotion of the ministry and its staff to honoring the Martyrs, among them school students, and to strengthen the sense of belonging to the land... [and] in order to highlight the permanent presence of the Martyrs and to honor their sacrifices," PNN, independent Palestinian news agency announced on Tuesday and translated by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

The "school students" is a reference to Palestinian teenagers involved in the attacks, one of which inflicted life-threatening injuries on 13-year-old Israeli boy.

The Palestinian news announcement continued to describe the terrorist glorification event as part of the education ministry's efforts to "instill national and humanitarian values in the minds of the young, and respect for the symbols of the struggle," praising the "loyalty of the blood of the Martyrs."

The Palestinian education ministry is notorious for making its curriculum strongly devoted to glorifying terrorist attacks against Israelis and praising the attackers as heroes for future generations to emulate. Many observers attribute the recent wave of attacks to growing violent Palestinian incitement.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Israeli police shot and killed a Palestinian who tried to stab police officers next to the Damascus Gate – the scene of numerous previous stabbing attacks targeting Israelis, reports the Times of Israel.

In a separate attack, a Palestinian stabbed and injured a 70-year-old woman at Jerusalem's central bus station.

On Tuesday, three Israelis were killed and 30 injured in four separate terrorist attacks throughout the country – two of which were in Jerusalem. There were four Palestinian terrorist attacks on Monday as well.

As a result, the Israeli cabinet decided to increase security measures in Jerusalem, bolstering the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) presence at bus and light rail stops.

"In accordance with the cabinet's decision last night, as of this morning 300 IDF soldiers have already begun spreading out to provide additional security under police command," an Israel Police spokesman said in a statement on Wednesday.

More troops have been deployed on buses and trains, while Israeli police set up checkpoints in Palestinian neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem.

There appears to be no sign of declining terrorist attacks throughout the country, as Palestinians from across the political spectrum call for more violence against Israelis.

Related Topics: IPT News, Palestinian incitement, Palestinian Authority, stabbing attacks, Fatah, IDF, Palestinian Media Watch
