Gallup: Americans Maintain Negative View of Iran After Nuclear Deal

Implementation of the Iran nuclear deal has done little to change American attitudes toward the Islamic Republic, a new Gallup poll finds.

Only 14 percent of Americans questioned Feb. 3-7 say that they have a favorable view of Iran, a figure that remains unchanged since a similar Gallup poll conducted last year, before the deal was reached.

Only Syria and North Korea have lower favorable ratings than Iran among Americans.

The Iran deal likely did not enhance U.S. perceptions of Iran because only 3 in 10 Americans approve of the nuclear agreement. Almost twice as many Americans, 57 percent, oppose the deal, while 14 percent said that they have no opinion.

In contrast, Gallup found that a majority of Iranian adults – more than two-thirds – hold positive views of the nuclear agreement and believe it is beneficial for their nation.

Since the 1979 Iranian revolution, Americans have largely viewed the Islamic Republic pessimistically. This comes as no surprise, considering the U.S hostage crisis that unfolded shortly after the Shah, a U.S. ally, was overthrown. The episode remains a powerful watershed moment for many Americans. Polling data over the years shows a largely static opinion trend, with an 11 percent average favorable rating since Gallup began polling U.S. attitudes toward Iran in 1989.

The nuclear agreement lifted crippling economic sanctions against Iran, which already is shipping oil to Europe and plans to spend $8 billion on advanced Russian weapons systems. The U.S. removed some sanctions against the Islamic Republic, enabling Iran to re-integrate into the global financial system.

Critics of the nuclear deal argue that Iran remains the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, and will use recently released funds to arm its terrorist proxies dedicated to targeting Israel and Western interests abroad.

Related Topics: IPT News, Iran nuclear deal, sanctions relief, public opinion, Iran hostage crisis
