
CAIR's Internet Myths and Facts - an IPT Rebuttal

As we detail in our original dossier on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the group casts any criticism of its actions and positions as an assault on Muslim Americans. That's the thrust of a recently issued document in which the group seeks to debunk what it describes as "Internet disinformation" about it.

The document, posted on the group's web site, provides no specific examples of the so-called disinformation, simply summarizing the allegations by what it terms "a small but vocal group of anti-Muslim bigots" in words chosen to fit its purposes.

The CAIR document, which touts the organization's supposed "principled advocacy of civil liberties, interfaith relations and justice for all people" back to its founding in 1994, ignores its roots in a Hamas support network or its consistent record of criticizing terror and terror-financing investigations. Instead, it delivers ad hominem attacks on the critics, painting them all as bigots and Islamophobes.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism compiled a fact-check of CAIR's claims, all annotated and backed up with specific evidence, showing that CAIR is part of the support network for terrorism in the United States. The report includes CAIR's verbatim claims and the IPT's point-by-point response. To read it, click here.

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